We couldn’t find the right word
to define our unique & breakthrough solution

We call it the "Thing"

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The digital 'thing' for integrative healthcare enables full potential in chronic conditions… and offers unique value to each stakeholder in the entire ecosystem

‘Thing’ Is More Than:


We deliver inline safety & fitment information for integrative products manufactured by partner vendors. Empower doctors & patients and enhance collaboration with risk profiling, closed loop monitoring & disease management index. Catalyze market growth & entry for supplements manufacturers.


HOW TO ...

Live up to full potential in chronic conditions? Prevent your high risks from turning into diseases? Track progression or recovery in chronic conditions? Get modern and functional practitioners onboard with your integrative needs including
Dietary Supplements | Yoga | Meditation | Breathing Exercises | Superfoods | Meals


HOW TO ...

Clinically link your products to the user's integrative needs and safety constraints? Make diet choices that go beyond weight loss and metabolic goals to better manage you disease ? Make yoga, meditation and other naturopathy choices that go beyond fitness, stress and anxiety and consider your risks ?

Ekikrit is a movement. It’s the outcome of my personal experiences of the benefits of integrative approach in chronic conditions.

Our mission is to enable people to live up to their full potential by optimizing healthcare in the prevention and management of chronic conditions. We have a very passionate team and renowned advisors on board who have tirelessly worked to bring Ekikrit to you. We’d love you to join our movement. Let’s do some great work together!

Viresh Garg

We are honored to be a sponsor of the NCAM conference in Orlando, Florida. We're looking forward to interacting with you at our booth. Conference Details: https://ncamusa.org/conf23/

We have partnered with Harmony Veda for our product launch, which will include Harmony Veda products onboarded in Ekikrit and digitization of the doctor and patient needs of Harmony Veda's clinic led by Dr Amit Gumman in Oklahoma. We are launching our product in January 2024. Stay tuned for more updates...